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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13540

Context Menu of VPE is not synchronized with Palette Content


      1. Create JSF 1.2 project
      2. Open inputUserName.jsp
      3. Context Menu of visual part of VPE contains submenu Insert Around > Mobile

      ERROR: Palette doesn't contain this item even this item is not hidden.

      1. Create HTML5 project via central
      2. Open index.html page

      ERROR: Palette contains only Mobile item but context menu of visual part of VPE Insert Around contains submenus JBoss, JSF and Mobile

      Palette content and context menu of visual part of VPE should offer the same tags to insert.

            yradtsevich Yahor Radtsevich (Inactive)
            vpakan Vlado Pakan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
