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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-1318

Hook into WTP JSF el model to avoid duplicate warnings


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      Set WTP JSF EL Variable Validator severity level in "Ignore" for Window/Preferences/Web and XML/JavaServer Faces Tools/Validation/Identifier Resolution/Variable not found.
      Or disable WTP JSF validator for a project: Project/Properties/Validation/JSP Semantic Validator (JSF)
      or for all projects: Window/Preferences/Validation/JSP Semantic Validator (JSF)

      Set WTP JSF EL Variable Validator severity level in "Ignore" for Window/Preferences/Web and XML/JavaServer Faces Tools/Validation/Identifier Resolution/Variable not found. Or disable WTP JSF validator for a project: Project/Properties/Validation/JSP Semantic Validator (JSF) or for all projects: Window/Preferences/Validation/JSP Semantic Validator (JSF)

      Max - Here's the details.

      Open RHDS, no warnings on .jsp pages.

      Open a .jsp file, not warnings.

      Add code that references a ManagedBean. Click Save. Warnings for referenced Beans (& bundles BTW) appear.

      Go To Project Clean - warnings appear for all beans.

      I'll included an .avi file and log file again.


            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            fischman_98_jira Matthew Fischer (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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