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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-11092

Not able to view 2 different OpenShift remote consoles


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 3.3.0.Beta1
    • 3.3.0.Beta1
    • openshift
    • None
    • Hide

      #ASSERT: You have 2 applications imported (and a server runtime for both)
      #EXEC: Open Servers view
      #EXEC: Click on 1st runtime - Show in - Remote console.
      #EXEC: Give your ssh passphrase - you should see the server remote console
      #EXEC: Repeat the same for 2nd runtime

      Result: no 2nd console is shown, the original console just appends text 'Loading...' and that's all.

      I would expect a new console is opened with the remote OpenShift server output.

      #ASSERT: You have 2 applications imported (and a server runtime for both) #EXEC: Open Servers view #EXEC: Click on 1st runtime - Show in - Remote console. #EXEC: Give your ssh passphrase - you should see the server remote console #EXEC: Repeat the same for 2nd runtime Result: no 2nd console is shown, the original console just appends text 'Loading...' and that's all. I would expect a new console is opened with the remote OpenShift server output.

      1. remote.png
        51 kB
        Stefan Bunciak

          sbunciak-rh Stefan Bunciak
          sbunciak-rh Stefan Bunciak
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