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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-11073

OpenShift Express Tool: Create a way to invoke rhc-port-forward functionality which enables users to debug their cloud environments with their local tools


    • Not Required

      If an OpenShift node that's hosting the user's app is running mysql on port 3306 on, you can't access that externally. You need to ssh into the node to run mysql or you need to embed phpmyadmin. rhc-port-forward allows you to access that port and other available ports.

      Usage: /usr/bin/rhc-port-forward
      Forward remote ports to the workstation

      -l | --rhlogin rhlogin Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login with OpenShift Express access) (Default: nduong+mac@redhat.com)
      -a | --app Target application (required)
      -p | --password password RHLogin password (optional, will prompt)
      -d | --debug Print Debug info
      -h | --help Show Usage info
      --config path Path of alternate config file
      --timeout # Timeout, in seconds, for connection

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        4. 2012-04-13 12.08.png
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            xcoulon@redhat.com Xavier Coulon
            namjanjboss Nam Duong (Inactive)
            Isaac Rooskov Isaac Rooskov (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
