Uploaded image for project: 'Tools (JBoss Tools)'
  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-10872

EL incremental validation doesn't work for complex ELs.


      1. Create Seam 2 project.
      2. Add the following classes to the project:

      public class Authenticator {
          public Test getTest() {
          	return new Test();
      public class Test {
      	public Test2 getString() {
      		return "";
      public class Test2 {
      	public String getOldString() {
      		return "";

      3. Open home.xhtml
      4. Add #

      {comp.test.string.oldString} there
      5. Rename getOldString() to getNewString() in Test2.java (Don't use refactoring dialog!). Save the file.
      6. FAILURE: #{comp.test.string.oldString}

      does NOT have a problem marker - 'oldString' can't be resolved.
      7. Make any changes in home.html to re-validate the file.
      8. ASSERT: #

      {comp.test.string.oldString} does have a problem marker - 'oldString' can't be resolved.
      9. Rename getNewString() back to getOldString() in Test2.java (don't use refactoring dialog). Save the file.
      10. FAILURE: #{comp.test.string.oldString}

      still has a problem marker but it should not.

            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
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