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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-9366

(7.3.z) Mark 'http2-max-header-list-size' attribute as deprecated in favor of 'max-header-size'


      There is not very clear what should be intended behavior in case of using both
      http2-max-header-list-size and max-header-size attributes in case of HTTP/2 requests.

      Current behavior seems to be that if http2-max-header-list-size is defined, then it takes precedence ignoring the value of general header limitation attributes for the listener.

      Not sure what is better behavior whether to take value which limits the values more (=> the lower number) or that the value with http2 prefix takes precedence (current behavior). Either way it should be at least documented.
      sdouglas1@redhat.com WDYT?

            istudens@redhat.com Ivo Studensky
            rhatlapa@redhat.com Radim Hatlapatka (Inactive)
            Jan Stourac Jan Stourac
            Jan Stourac Jan Stourac
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            9 Start watching this issue
