The following items were requested in the tracking spreadsheet for 3.11. Enable Web Services Reliable Messaging. A general review should also be done.

      • "A set of interceptors interact with" -> "A set of interceptors interacts with"
      • " Consume a WSDL contract that specifies proper WS-Reliable Messaging policies and assertions. " -> " Consume a WSDL contract that specifies proper WS-Reliable Messaging policies and/or assertions. "
        • However it is against our style guidelines to use and/or. May need to instead say "policies, assertions, or both."
      • Replace the two paragraphs under the 4 bullets with the following text: "The first approach relies on the Apache CXF WS-Policy engine and is the only portable one. The other approaches are Apache CXF proprietary ones, however they allow for fine-grained configuration of protocol aspects that are not covered by the WS-Reliable Messaging Policy."
        • Need to review/adjust wording if necessary

      I would also recommend the following:

      • Consider whether the section title should just be called "Web Services Reliable Messaging", or at least change Enable to Enabling to be consistent with the other chapter titles.

            rhn-engineering-nchaudha Nidhi Chaudhary
            rhn-support-ahoffer Andrea Hoffer
            Jan Blizňák Jan Blizňák
            Jan Blizňák Jan Blizňák
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
