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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-25192

(7.4.z) Transactions: jdbc-store-datasource is missing a capability reference


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.4.11.GA
    • Transactions
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • User Experience
    • Hide
      1. Start EAP
      2. Go to http://localhost:9990/console/index.html#transactions
      3. Click on JDBC
      4. Edit
      5. Write some random text into the JDBC Store Datasource field
      6. Save
      7. You can see that the JDBC Store Datasource was set even though the datasource is not defined
      8. If you also set the Use JDBC Store to true and restart the server, you can see in the log an error message describing usage of undefined DS
      Start EAP Go to  http://localhost:9990/console/index.html#transactions Click on JDBC Edit Write some random text into the JDBC Store Datasource field Save You can see that the JDBC Store Datasource was set even though the datasource is not defined If you also set the Use JDBC Store to true and restart the server, you can see in the log an error message describing usage of undefined DS

      In the documentation: https://docs.wildfly.org/28/wildscribe/subsystem/transactions/index.html#attr-jdbc-store-datasource it's stated that only datasource defined in datasources subsystem can be written to jdbc-store-datasource.
      However the reality is that even non-existing datasource can be written to the attribute.
      This seem to be possible even in jboss-cli.
      If that is something by design, I believe that we should rephrase it in the documentation.

            mpetrov@redhat.com Michal Petrov
            mpetrov@redhat.com Michal Petrov
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