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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-23283

Build mode for some helm definitions in RM Quickstart is wrong


      There is an issue with the build.mode value for the following two Helm definitions in the MP Reactive Messaging Quickstart:


      The issue is that these two definitions are meant to be S2I based builds. But since there is no "build.mode" specified in them, the default value for such attribute is used, which is "bootable.jar", see here (search for "build.mode").

      So we need to define explicit value of "build.mode" into these files, which is "mode: s2i".

      Note that the default value of the "build.mode" in XP charts (bootable.jar) differs to what is used for non-XP eap74 and in upstream WildFly (s2i).

      There is a workaround for the user - to edit helm definition locally or add a following flag to the helm command:

      --set build.mode=s2i

      Marking this as blocker for now, since this may be quite hard for customer to identify the problem. But since there is a workaround, maybe the severity could be lowered to critical... leaving for discussion.

            kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
            jstourac@redhat.com Jan Stourac
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