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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-23085

(7.4.z) ISPN-13549 - Data race in EntryWrappingInterceptor handling expired entries


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      If caches are used by applications the underlying Infinispan code is not working correctly.
      This will happen if expiration is used in combination with *All (put get) cache access.
      If caches are used by applications the underlying Infinispan code is not working correctly. This will happen if expiration is used in combination with *All (put get) cache access.

      EntryWrappingInterceptor.visitPutMapCommand processes the potential expiration of keys in the input map in parallel, and wraps the entries in the context in the threads that processed the expiration response.

      But NonTxInvocationContext is not thread-safe, as it uses a HashMap internally. When a PutMapCommand affects 2 or more entries can can both expire, and their keys map to the same HashMap bucket, one of the updates may be lost and the distribution interceptor will later fail with an IllegalStateException: Entry should be always wrapped!.

            thofman Tomas Hofman
            rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
