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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20231

Several traces created in Jaeger for just one method call


      I am migrating one opentracing/fault-tolerance test from Thorntail TS [1] and I noticed that Wildfly SNAPSHOT is behaving differently with respect to what in the subject.

      The test is pretty simple, deploying a REST app which makes use of injected service which in turn leverages microprofile opentracing (via API) and fault-tolerance (via annotations). The test executes the following 2 methods in the given order:

      • call hello, which is synchronous and is throwing an exception, hence failing and gets called again then ending up with the fallback. This generates 1 trace with 4 spans in Jaeger and the behavior is consistent between TT and WildFly
      • call helloAsync, which is asynchronous and is throwing an exception, hence failing and getting called again (asynchronously?) then ending up with the fallback. This generates the following traces in Jaeger:
        TT: 1 trace with 4 spans
        WildFly: 4 separate traces , i.e. the one for the REST endpoint GET method, two for the helloAsync calls and one for the fallback.


            ehugonne1@redhat.com Emmanuel Hugonnet
            ehugonne1@redhat.com Emmanuel Hugonnet
            Martin Choma
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            5 Start watching this issue
