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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-19915

[GSS](7.3.z) WFCORE-5029 - server group deployment resource doesn't include correct "mananged" value


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      Execute an unmanaged deployment in a fresh EAP 7.3.1 zip installation running in Domain mode.

      [domain@localhost:9990 deployment] deploy /Development/Workspaces/eap-quickstarts/jboss-eap-7.3.0.GA-quickstarts/greeter/target/greeter.war --all-server-groups --unmanaged

      After the deployment, check the following Management Console: Deployment --> Server Groups --> main-server-group --> greeter.war --> Enabled, Managed, Exploded

      Execute an unmanaged deployment in a fresh EAP 7.3.1 zip installation running in Domain mode. [domain@localhost:9990 deployment] deploy /Development/Workspaces/eap-quickstarts/jboss-eap-7.3.0.GA-quickstarts/greeter/target/greeter.war --all-server-groups --unmanaged After the deployment, check the following Management Console: Deployment --> Server Groups --> main-server-group --> greeter.war --> Enabled, Managed, Exploded

      Unmanaged deploys show a checkmark that they are "managed" if you view the deployment under Server Groups. The deployment does however show correctly that it is un-managed in the Content Repository section.

            chaowan@redhat.com Chao Wang
            chaowan@redhat.com Chao Wang
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