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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-13139

[RN] Document support level and limitations of ElytronAuthenticator.


      As part of the Security context propagation RFE EAP7-284 there is also provided a java.net.Authenticator implementation - the org.wildfly.security.auth.util.ElytronAuthenticator. Due to Java 8 design limitations this authenticator doesn't work correctly.

      We have to clearly state the ElytronAuthenticator support level in 7.1 documentation. Could the PM confirm? (QE suggests unsupported or technical preview)

      bozpeyni@redhat.com What support level do you prefer?

      The documentation should also contain a warning related to this class. sth. like "Don't use this on server and understand how the credentials caching can limit you when you use it in a standalone client JVM."

      Full discussion about the topic is tracked in EAP7-284 and JBEAP-12340.

            rhn-support-ahoffer Andrea Hoffer
            sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
            Josef Cacek Josef Cacek (Inactive)
            Josef Cacek Josef Cacek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
