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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-11176

When using EXTERNAL SASL mechanism, server hangs during shutdown and/or reload


    • Hide
      • clone wildfly-elytron project (key material from it is used)
      • download attached standalone.xml, and edit path element referencing the wildfly-elytron project:
        <path name="elytron.project" path="/home/kwart/projects/wildfly-security/wildfly-elytron"/>
      • start the server
      • clone elytron-client-demo - used as the reproducer
        git clone -b SASL-EXTERNAL-server-stuck https://github.com/jboss-security-qe/elytron-client-demo.git
      • edit path to key material in the reproducer method SimpleClient.loadKeyStore too
      • run the reproducer (it should pass and print "Dung" as username):
        mvn package exec:java
      • shutdown the server (Ctrl-C) or call :reload operation
        • server hangs
      clone wildfly-elytron project (key material from it is used) download attached standalone.xml , and edit path element referencing the wildfly-elytron project: <path name= "elytron.project" path= "/home/kwart/projects/wildfly-security/wildfly-elytron" /> start the server clone elytron-client-demo - used as the reproducer git clone -b SASL-EXTERNAL-server-stuck https: //github.com/jboss-security-qe/elytron-client-demo.git edit path to key material in the reproducer method SimpleClient.loadKeyStore too run the reproducer (it should pass and print "Dung" as username): mvn package exec:java shutdown the server (Ctrl-C) or call :reload operation server hangs

      If the SSL for management interface is configured and the EXTERNAL SASL mechanism used for authentication, then after client uses this interface the server is not able to correctly shut down or reload. The server gets stuck.

      Server configuration, log file and jstack outputs are attached.

        1. standalone.xml
          34 kB
        2. server.log
          112 kB
        3. jstack-EXTERNAL-SASL-shutdown.txt
          26 kB
        4. jstack-EXTERNAL-SASL-reload.txt
          27 kB

            kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
            josef.cacek@gmail.com Josef Cacek (Inactive)
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
            Ondrej Kotek Ondrej Kotek
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
