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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-10598

[7.0] Migration Guide - Import messaging data improvements


      Book: Migration Guide
      Revision: da6e0b3099df05d9a2c06f9c24c018da3f25cebe
      Chapter: 4.8.2. Migrate Messaging Data
      Section: Import the XML Formatted Messaging Data

      This section should contain more details about importing messaging journal on EAP 7.z server

      Clients should not be connected to server
      When importing messaging data, no deployment and no clients should be connected to server

      Backup messaging data
      In case you want to import messaging data on server that has already served some messaging tasks, always backup messaging files before import-journal operation. This will prevent data lost in case of import failure. You can find your journal directories using following CLI commands


      Backup all four directories
      If you are importing messaging data to clean new server instance, you may safely skip this step.

      Recover from import fail
      When import of messaging journal fails, delete all files from your messaging data directories and replace it with your backup files. In case messaging journal didn't contain any messaging data before import-journal, just delete all files in your journal directories.
      You can find your messaging data directories using CLI commands provided above. In case journal import failed because of low space on your hard drive, you may want to reconfigure location of you journal directories (see 10.2. Messaging Journal Persistence Using the Default File Journal in Configuring mesaging)

      Do not import journal more then once
      Import of messaging data multiple times will result in duplicate messages.

            sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
            sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
            Martin Styk Martin Styk (Inactive)
            Martin Styk Martin Styk (Inactive)
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