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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-10406

[GSS](7.0.z) WFCORE-1399 Failure when resolving an expression with the default value containing a '$' at the end


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      This issue can be workaround by using the nested expression.

      For example, change the following configuration from:

          <property name="regex_prop_test" value="${my.regex.test:^default$}"/>


          <property name="default_regex" value="^default$"/>
          <property name="regex_prop_test" value="${my.regex.test:${default_regex}}"/>
      This issue can be workaround by using the nested expression. For example, change the following configuration from: <system-properties> <property name= "regex_prop_test" value= "${my.regex.test:^default$}" /> </system-properties> to: <system-properties> <property name= "default_regex" value= "^default$" /> <property name= "regex_prop_test" value= "${my.regex.test:${default_regex}}" /> </system-properties>

      JBoss EAP 7.0.x fails to starts up when resolving an expression with the default value containing a '$' at the end.

      For example, when the following system property is configured in standalone.xml:

          <property name="regex_prop_test" value="${my.regex.test:^default$}"/>

      start-up fails with the following ERROR message:

      ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([("system-property" => "regex_prop_test")]) - failure description: "WFLYCTL0370: Incomplete expression: ${my.regex.test:^default$}"

      Same issue was reported in the upstream JIRA WFCORE-1399 and already fixed in wildfly-core master branch. Please backport the fix to EAP 7.0.x's wildfly-core 2.x branch.

            rhn-cservice-bbaranow Bartosz Baranowski
            rhn-support-mmiura Masafumi Miura
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
