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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-2674

Publish JBDS TP onto download.jboss.org instead of internal server so that JBDS can build from sources using -Dtpc.targetKind=unified as default


    As reported in JBDS-2673 (which conflicts with the needs of JBDS-2456), we need a solution which accommodates both Nick's and Max's definitions of "Correct" and "Simple".

    Thus, to allow all JBDS builds to default to using the unified TP instead of the multiple one from which the unified is built, we must publish the TP to a site which is fully public (eg., on download.jboss.org instead of www.qa).

    Then the JBDS product root pom can be updated to default to "unified" and builds can be done by anyone regardless of VPN access, without needing a different config for Jenkins vs. non-VPN users.

          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          nickboldt Nick Boldt
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