
      I've found several minor mistakes in the documentation.
      Chapter 2.1 last paragraph : "button is disable" (should be disabled)
      Chapter 2.15 first after Figure 2.16 "But this wsdl's services' adress" (I would suggest wsdl's service adress)
      Chapter 2.16 after Figure 2.18 "plus ?wsdl.," (should be plus ?wsdl,)

      Chapter 3 last paragraph "A client sample class will be generated, you may run this client as a java application to call a web service" this is not a true statement. Truth is, that If you run client as java application you get NoClassDefFoundException, because, java proxies are depenent on various libraries, which are part of jboss runtime. So client can work only if it is deployed on server or one must somehow collect jars and put them into client project's classpath. I suggest put this sentence away or maybe add some note to it

            smukhina Svetlana Mukhina (Inactive)
            lzoubek Libor Zoubek (Inactive)
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