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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-1126

Confusing VPE editor description in Visual Web Tools Reference Guide


      JBDS_2guidesversions/en/jsf/html_single/index.html document contains confusing description of VPE editor.

      In Table 1.1. Key Functionality for Visual Web Tools is written: "Developing using four tabs: visual/source, visual, source and preview" but when you navigate to link "visual page editor" on the left side of this table it jumps to part of the document describing VPE and in this part is written: "Current VPE version has three tabs: Visual/Source, Source and Preview."

      So in documentation is 2 times decribed VPE editor once with 4 tabs and another time with 3 tabs.

      I opened .xhtml page with VPE editor and it had only 2 tabs within editor (using context menu Open with). Then I opened the same page with JBoss Tools HTML Editor and I got 3 tabs and editor looks similar to VPE editor screenshot in documentation. And this editor is used to open .xhtml as default.

      This is also confusing for users because there are differences between what is written in documentation and what JBDS is doing.

        1. MainVPEDoc.png
          29 kB
          Vlado Pakan
        2. openWithJBossHTMLEditor.png
          77 kB
          Vlado Pakan
        3. OpenWithVPEEditor.png
          90 kB
          Vlado Pakan
        4. VPEDoc.png
          106 kB
          Vlado Pakan

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            vpakan Vlado Pakan (Inactive)
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