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  1. JBoss Core Services
  2. JBCS-1631

MDExternalAccountBinding support not available in jbcs-httpd-2.4.57


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Issue :  The MDExternalAccountBinding support is not available in jbcs-httpd-2.4.57 as it provide mod_md- 2.4.0-25 while support is available with mod_md-2.4.8 and later.

      How to reproduce the issue:

      step1: install jbcs-httpd-2.4.57 in RHEL 7
      step2: Create a sample file like as follows:

      $ cat mod_md.conf

      MDExternalAccountBinding conf.d/test.json

      $ cat conf.d/test.json


      {"kid": "kid-1", "hmac": "zWND..."}


      step3: start jbcs-httpd

      step4: Check httpd.log, The jbcs-httpd will fail to start with following error

      AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of httpd/conf.d/mod_md.conf:
      Invalid command 'MDExternalAccountBinding', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


            rhn-engineering-mturk Mladen Turk
            rhn-support-dmasirka Dasharath Masirkar
            Paul Lodge Paul Lodge
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
