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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-6175

Form-based WAR authentication - redirect fails second time round.


      When using standard J2EE authentication of a WAR file redirects fail to return the correct page.

      Authentication proceeds as follows:
      1. Request / -> server responds with login page.
      2. Login ok -> server authenticates and sends 302 redirect
      3. Follow redirect -> server responds with 'real' page.
      4. Do some work...
      5. Invalidate session to logout; send browser to / with javascript using window.location()
      6. Request / -> server responds with login page.
      7. Login ok -> server authenticates and sends 302 redirect
      8. Follow redirect -> server responds with 304 -> browser renders last seen version of URL: login page.

      The result of step 8 should be to display the 'real' page.
      Refreshing the page (Ctrl-R) loads the 'real' page fine confirming authentication worked ok and that the browser is incorrectly using a cached copy.
      The same behaviour is also seen in Google Chrome, although Internet explorer works as expected.

      Possible cause?
      I'm wondering if tomcat is getting confused with the If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match values on the requests? The requests made in steps 3 & 8 are identical (all headers the same).

            anil.saldhana Anil Saldanha (Inactive)
            johk_jira johnstok - (Inactive)
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