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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-4422

org.jboss.test.util.test.TwiddleUnitTestCase can't connect to host


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      run the testsuite without using assigned IP addresses for node0 and node1.

      run the testsuite without using assigned IP addresses for node0 and node1.

      1. The test testGet() in org.jboss.test.util.test.TwideleUnitTestCase builds a twiddle command line, execs the command line and checks that the output received from the server macthes the expected output. Comamnd lines are built, based on OS type: there is one for Windows and one for UNIX.

      The command line built when executing on Windows is:
      > cmd /C twiddle get "jboss.system:type=Server" "Started"

      and the response should be

      It appears that twiddle had an option for specifying the server host, but this option has been commented out.
      When executing the test on Windows, twiddle tries by default to connect to the server using localhost:1099.

      2. When the testsuite is run using the parameters node0/node1 to specify the host IP addresses, localhost:1099 is not available
      and the test fails.

      (please see the linked issue JBPAPP-176 for more details)

            rachmato@redhat.com Richard Achmatowicz
            rachmato@redhat.com Richard Achmatowicz
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