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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-3637

twiddle ignores environment properties when creating its InitialContext




      The original feature request:
      It is frequently useful to be able to set JDNI properties when running twiddle - for example,
      you might want to set jnp.disableDiscovery when checking the status of a particular server
      that might not be running.

      Right now, this is difficult to do. You can export a JBOSS_CLASSPATH
      which contains a jndi.properties file before running twiddle.sh, but then you have to
      include all the standard jars in it, which is quite annoying.

      A pssible fixes would be one of:

      A) A way to prepend elements to JBOSS_CLASSPATH without disabling the default
      construction (also useful for getting a log4j.properties that doesn't drop twiddle.log
      in the cwd, perhaps)

      B) A command line option for specifying a particular properties file to load and pass
      to 'new InitialContext()' (slightly more convenient than A)

      C) A command line option to define particular properties:

      twiddle.sh -jnpProperty=jnp.disableDiscovery=true

      (Or some better syntax)

      The twiddle code actually does:

      Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
      props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, serverURL);
      ctx = new InitialContext(props);

      In the case where a server URL is set, so there may have been intention that twiddle.sh -Djnp.disableDiscovery=true
      would work, but AFAIK property inheritance doesn't work in that place - only the properties directly in props take
      effect, and system properties won't be looked at in the other code path either.

      The real problem is that twiddle ignores environment properties when creating its InitialContext.

      By fixing this you can just specify in the command line:


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              rhn-support-jawilson Jimmy Wilson
              otaylor@redhat.com Owen Taylor
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