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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-15310

Exclude jackson-core from infinispan-objectfilter artifact


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 15.0.0.Dev05, 14.0.21.Final
    • 15.0.0.Dev04, 14.0.20.Final
    • Build
    • None

      This issue is created because of JBEAP-26017

      From infinispan-protostream:4.6.0.Final, the scope of some dependencies including jackson-core have been updated:

      -            <optional>true</optional>
      -            <optional>true</optional>

      , and also the change of com.squareup:protoparser:

      -            <optional>true</optional>

      infinispan-protostream is a dependency of infinispan-objectfilter, which is a shaded jar, the changes in infinispan-protostream change the infinispan-objectfilter shaded jar to include the non-optional transitive dependencies, like: jackson-core, javassist and protoparser.

      So maybe we can take consideration of the following 4 options:

      • option 1: exclude these 3 artifacts in the infinispan-objectfilter shaded artifact
      • option 2: include only the needed jar in the infinispan-objectfilter shaded artifact
      • option 3: drop the shaded jar in infinispan-objectfilter artifact
      • option 4: do not replace the original jar with the shaded jar, release the shaded jar as a classifier maven artifact

      If there is no requirement to have the shaded jar, we can take the option 3.

            ttarrant@redhat.com Tristan Tarrant
            rhn-engineering-lgao Lin Gao
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
