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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-14780

JGroups config of nested values are not applied


    When supplying a jgroups configuration in the infinispan.xml file none of the properties that have a nested attribute are applied.

    For example the default-jgroups.xml file has the attribute `thread_pool.max_threads="${jgroups.thread_pool.max_threads:200}"`. This means the default should be 200 if it is not supplied. However due to the extra dot in `thread_pool.max_threads` it isn't applied to properly and only the default is applied.

    I found this by trying to add the below snippet and the heap dump still showed the value as 0.

        <stack name="my-stack" extends="tcp">
          <TCP msg_processing_policy.max_buffer_size="1000" stack.combine="COMBINE"/>

    The problem stems from the invocation of `Configurator.initializeAttrs` at https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/main/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/remoting/transport/jgroups/EmbeddedJGroupsChannelConfigurator.java#L91 which doesn't look at the nested attributes.

          pruivo@redhat.com Pedro Ruivo
          wburns@redhat.com Will Burns
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          8 Start watching this issue
