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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-13042

ProtoStream adapters should not be added to the persistence and global contexts


      The upgrade PR to ProtoStream 4.4.0.Beta3 made it so the protostream-type ProtoAdapters were registered with the GLOBAL, PERSISTENCE & USER serialization contexts. This was a mistake, they should only be registered with the USER context.

      Registering the Adapters with the PERSISTENCE context means that any marshalling performed by the PersistenceMarshaller for one of these ProtoAdapter types will not be delegated to the user marshaller. For example, if the user has a BigInteger key, this will always be marshalled with ProtoStream even if the user has explicitly configured the JavaSerializationMarshaller.

            remerson@redhat.com Ryan Emerson
            remerson@redhat.com Ryan Emerson
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