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  1. Hawkular
  2. HAWKULAR-437

allow for server->agent communications


      We need to provide a communications infrastructure for the server to be able to send messages to the agent (or technically, to feeds).

      This will involve changes to the wildfly monitor agent, the server side (kettle), and the UI.

      The thinking is there will be server-side queues that will queue up messages for the agent/feed to pick up. The server-side will provide a REST interface for agents/feeds to use to retrieve its messages. This server-side REST interface will also provide an endpoint for agents/feeds to reply back to those server-initiated messages. This server-side component will probably be a simple WAR with REST endpoint implementation.

      The UI will need to have some components that put messages on agent/feeds queues.

            jmazzitelli John Mazzitelli
            jmazzitelli John Mazzitelli
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