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  1. HAL
  2. HAL-1237

Console does not provide an option to kill a server if normal shutdown is hung


      I'm experimenting with how an WildFly/EAP domain reacts to failure conditions and noticed that the current console, if a server will not stop, will not provide an option to kill the server.

      My experiment involves a pathological app with a servlet that will never return from it's deplpy() method, meaning the MSC service behind the servlet will never stop, meaning a normal shutdown will never complete.

      The EAP 6 console had "Stop" and "Force Shutdown" links for the servers in the domain topology view. Current console has no "Force Shutdown".

      EAP 6 console has it's own issues in this area, specifically that if the server won't stop, the console reports it stopped anyway, and no longer provides the option to stop or force shutdown. The current console is better in this regard; when the server doesn't shut down the action selections for the server are still the same as if the server was started. So it's just the kill/destroy that is missing.

      See also related JIRA https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-2065 for how kill/destroy are suboptimal on the server side. That's mostly an FYI in case during experiments with this you find things are not behaving as you expect.

            hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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