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  1. Fuse Tooling
  2. FUSETOOLS-1961

Provide Instructional Video on Deployment to Fuse Runtime


      Topics to cover:

      1. the servers view
      2. creating a runtime
      3. creating a server
      4. in servers view describe use of JMX node under server
      5. pre-first-start-tasks (edit etc/user.properties to add admin user)
      6. launching a server
      7. the karaf ssh shell autoconnect
      8. listing of installed bundles the karaf way: invoke list
      9. listing of installed bundles using JMX node and Bundles tab in properties view
      10. (un)deploying via add / remove dialog
      11. how to check the runtime logs (log:view shell cmd)
      12. show automatic redeployment and how to enable/disable
      13. how to change user credentials / port / host on server in eclipse (runtime is not affected)
      14. explain autoshutdown of servers on exiting eclipse

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lheinema@redhat.com Lars Heinemann
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