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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-894

Forge DependencyFacet cannot resolve dependencies in reactor projects without first installing necessary dependencies in the local Repository


      As the title states, maven project building requests do not resolv reactor project dependencies.

      - addon --> spi
      - api
      - impl
      - spi
      - tests --> addon

      the tests/ module dependency resolution result does not contain a transitive dependency to the spi/ module, however, when building from maven cli, it clearly should and does have this dependency - so this is a pure tooling issue due to the fact that the addon/ sub-module actually cannot be resolved.

      This can be reproduced in the branch: https://github.com/forge/core/tree/FORGE-894

      Running the test:

      Failed tests:   testCreateAddonProject(org.jboss.forge.addons.AddonProjectConfiguratorTest): SPI module is not present in the TESTS module

      Relevant code (where the resolution is performed) is here: https://github.com/forge/core/blob/FORGE-894/maven/impl-projects/src/main/java/org/jboss/forge/maven/projects/MavenFacetImpl.java#L271

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
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