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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-2542

No syntax validation in some command-line - new syntax problem


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      jpa-setup not validate the options you pass to it. It creates a default persistence files, even though you change the options. If I put the right option (new linux syntax) it creates a new PU and keeps adding and adding.
      Adding fields to the POJO sometimes works with old syntax and sometimes complains.

      jpa-setup not validate the options you pass to it. It creates a default persistence files, even though you change the options. If I put the right option (new linux syntax) it creates a new PU and keeps adding and adding. Adding fields to the POJO sometimes works with old syntax and sometimes complains.

      Beginner user here, trying the following tutorial: http://forge.jboss.org/document/write-a-java-ee-web-application---advanced

      First issue found:

      conference]$ jpa-setup --provider Eclipse Link --dbType POSTGRES --dataSourceName java:comp/DefaultDataSource
      ***SUCCESS*** Persistence (JPA) is installed.
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider                                                                            
      Eclipse Link  Hibernate  Hibernate 4.x  Infinispan  Java EE  OpenJPA  
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider 
      Eclipse Link  Hibernate  Hibernate 4.x  Infinispan  Java EE  OpenJPA  
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider Eclipse\ Link 
      --configure-metadata      --data-source-name        --jpa-version             --schema-generation-type  
      --container               --db-type                 --persistence-unit-name   
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider Eclipse\ Link --db-type 
      ACCESS            FIREBIRD          INGRES            MYSQL_INNODB      POINTBASE         SYBASE_ANYWHERE   
      DB2               FRONTBASE         INTERBASE         MYSQL_ISAM        POSTGRES          
      DB2_AS400         H2                MCKOI             ORACLE            PROGRESS          
      DB2_OS390         HSQLDB            MYSQL             ORACLE_10G        SAP_DB            
      DEFAULT           HSQLDB_IN_MEMORY  MYSQL5_INNODB     ORACLE_11G        SQL_SERVER        
      DERBY             INFORMIX          MYSQL5_ISAM       ORACLE_9I         SYBASE            
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider Eclipse\ Link --db-type H2 --
      --configure-metadata      --data-source-name        --persistence-unit-name   
      --container               --jpa-version             --schema-generation-type  
      [persistence.xml]$ jpa-setup --provider Eclipse\ Link --db-type H2 --data-source-name java:comp/DefaultDataSource
      ***SUCCESS*** Persistence (JPA) is installed.
      [persistence.xml]$ command-line n

        1. persistence.xml
          2 kB
          Gilberto Caetano de Andrade

            Unassigned Unassigned
            gilberto_ca Gilberto Caetano de Andrade (Inactive)
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