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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-1341

Support Eclipse Undo/Redo operations


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.0.0.Beta3
    • Brainstorming, UI - Eclipse
    • None

      <gastaldi> koentsje, is it possible to undo the operations done by a Forge addon using the Eclipse Undo feature (Edit -> Undo) ?
      <gastaldi> can we somehow make the current plugin aware of this?
      <koentsje> hm, i think that will be a very tough one
      <gastaldi> I am reading http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.isv%2Fguide%2FwrkAdv_undo.htm to understand how undoable operations work in Eclipse
      <gastaldi> It would be nice if we could somehow store a Delta of the modifications an addon does
      <gastaldi> so it's possible to undo/redo operations
      <koentsje> i would need to revisit that mechanism, it's probably five years ago since i used it
      <gastaldi> can we somehow create savepoints in Eclipse ?
      <gastaldi> at least you used it, this is totally new for me
      <koentsje> yes it should be possible
      <gastaldi> so I was thinking that maybe we could create a snapshot of the current project state before executing an operation, execute the addon, create another snapshot and then compare both to have a delta
      <gastaldi> this in turn could be undo/redoable
      <gastaldi> this could aid us in implementing the Accept Merges feature too
      <gastaldi> duh
      <gastaldi> Accept Changes
      <gastaldi> however that is a different subject
      <koentsje> the resource delta stuff exists already in eclipse
      <gastaldi> this is interesting, so it should be possible as you said
      <gastaldi> this would motivate people to use Forge inside Eclipse
      <koentsje> hm, i thought we went through all the ide pain because people want to use it in their ide?
      <gastaldi> yeah, that's the spirit

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-ggastald George Gastaldi
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