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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-1182

Addons generated by NewProjectWizard should contain a sample README.asciidoc


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.0.0.Alpha12
    • 2.0.0.Alpha11
    • Documentation
    • None

      Asciidoc Template:

      == ADDON_NAME
      :idprefix: id_ 
      (choose one, do not modify, then add a second sentence with a brief description, starting with - "The ADDON_NAME addon enables blah blah...)
      This addon provides *standalone* functionality, and *exports services* for use in other addons. 
      This addon provides *standalone* functionality.
      This addon *exports services* for use in other addons. 
      This addon *provides classes* for use in other addons. 
      This addon is a 'Furnace container' that provides *lifecycle* and *service registry* support for dependent addons.
      === Dependencies: None (or)
      === Depends on
      |Addon |Exported |Optional
      == Setup
      This Addon requires the following installation steps.
      === Add configuration to pom.xml 
      To use this addon, you must add it as a dependency in the *pom.xml* of your `forge-addon` classified artifact:
      (Make sure the dependency is put all the way to the left, and uses 3 spaces for indentation of GAV)
      == Features
      ABCFactory for simple ABC blah:: 
      Allows for blah blah
      @Inject private ABCFactory factory;
      ABC abc = factory.createABC();
      If your addon uses a container that does not support "@Inject" annotations, services such as the `ABCFactory` may also be 
      accessed via the `AddonRegistry`:
      Imported<ABCFactory> imported = addonRegistry.getServices(ABCFactory.class);
      ABCFactory factory = imported.get();
      Creating a new XYZ instance:: 
      Causes XYZ to occur
      XYZ xyz = factory.createXYZ();

            rhn-support-ggastald George Gastaldi
            rhn-support-ggastald George Gastaldi
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