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  2. ENTSBT-770

Narayana starter compatibility information for Spring Boot 2.3.2


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      The Snowdrop team is really pleased to inform you that we're planning to release a new Snowdrop BOM on 14 Sep 2020
      based on Spring Boot 2.3.2.

      We, however, cannot release a new version without your support as Red Hat's Spring Boot stack relies on supported
      versions for the following artifact(s) that are currently owned by your project:

      • me.snowdrop:narayana-spring-boot-starter (upstream version is 2.3.0)

      We expect to start testing our new release based on Spring Boot 2.3.2 on 21 Aug 2020.

      We will support this new release until 30 Sep 2021 and therefore require compatibility and
      support statement from your team for this Spring Boot version in the form of the following information:

      Note that we don't require a new release of your product as long as the artifacts you provide us with are tested and
      supported on Spring Boot 2.3.2 until 30 Sep 2021.

      Thank you in advance for your help!

            gtrikler@redhat.com Gytis Trikleris (Inactive)
            claprun Chris Laprun
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
