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  1. AMQ Streams
  2. ENTMQST-1410

[DOC OCP] Provide a procedure for graceful AMQ Streams restart when upgrading OpenShift


      Provide a procedure to graceful restart AMQ Streams when upgrading OpenShift

      • We have provided the documented and tested procedure to upgrade AMQ Streams itself. However, we doesn't provide one when to upgrade OpenShift.
      • So it is difficult for the users to choice the most suitable option when upgrading OpenShift.
      • Please provide instructions for upgrading OpenShift with the least impact on a running AMQ Streams cluster.

      If stoping a node that has a Kafka and a Zookeeper pod for upgrading OpenShift, these Kafka and Zookeeper pod start to terminate at same time.

            pmellor@redhat.com Paul Mellor
            rhn-support-tyamashi Tomonari Yamashita
            1 Vote for this issue
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