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  1. AMQ Clients
  2. ENTMQCL-1540

Issue in removing Durable Subscriber using qpid lib


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
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      using session.unsubscribe("<subscriberName>") in below user case and encounter exception.

      javax.jms.JMSException: AMQ119005: error creating consumer, AMQ229200: Maximum Consumer Limit Reached on Queue:(address=topic.sample,queue=ClientID34569.MCVDurableSub2) [condition = amqp:internal-error]

      Use case

      Acknowledge mode as CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
      Durable Subscriber picked the message from topic.
      Session.recover() is called which causes the redelivery of all unacknowledged messages.
      The application receives a subsequent messages and acknowledges it
      Application try to remove the Durable Subscriber and get the exception.

      using session.unsubscribe("<subscriberName>") in below user case and encounter exception. javax.jms.JMSException: AMQ119005: error creating consumer, AMQ229200: Maximum Consumer Limit Reached on Queue:(address=topic.sample,queue=ClientID34569.MCVDurableSub2) [condition = amqp:internal-error] Use case Acknowledge mode as CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE Durable Subscriber picked the message from topic. Session.recover() is called which causes the redelivery of all unacknowledged messages. The application receives a subsequent messages and acknowledges it Application try to remove the Durable Subscriber and get the exception.

        1. broker.xml
          10 kB
          Ritesh Patni
        2. DurableTesting.java
          3 kB
          Ritesh Patni

            jross@redhat.com Justin Ross
            rpatni Ritesh Patni (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
