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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-7159

[LTS] Autocreated multicast queue in broker cluster instance is not redistribuiting after restarting a broker instance in a cluster


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • AMQ 7.10.0.GA
    • broker-core
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide

      Steps to reproduce:-

      [1] Find the broker cluster (Test1 and Test2) in the Broker Cluster folder. (AMQ broker 7.10)
      [2] First, start the subscriber. So It will connect to the first broker in the connection list. [mvn clean spring-boot:run]
      [3] Start the publisher.[mvn clean spring-boot:run]
      [4] Stop the subscriber application
      [5] Stop the first broker in the connection list causing the publisher application to failover to the second broker in the list.
      [6] Start the subscriber application (which connects to the second broker in the list, because the first one is still down).
      [7] Start the first broker in the connection list.

      The messages stored on the 1st broker are not redistributed to the 2nd broker.

      Steps to reproduce:- [1] Find the broker cluster (Test1 and Test2) in the Broker Cluster folder. (AMQ broker 7.10) [2] First, start the subscriber. So It will connect to the first broker in the connection list. [mvn clean spring-boot:run] [3] Start the publisher. [mvn clean spring-boot:run] [4] Stop the subscriber application [5] Stop the first broker in the connection list causing the publisher application to failover to the second broker in the list. [6] Start the subscriber application (which connects to the second broker in the list, because the first one is still down). [7] Start the first broker in the connection list. The messages stored on the 1st broker are not redistributed to the 2nd broker.

      The Publisher and Subscriber applications (both Red Hat Fuse) publish messages to a multicast address and consume messages from this address (using AMQP via the Qpid JMS library and connection pooling). The AMQ Broker is a cluster of 2 instances and the applications connect to this cluster using a failover connection string.

            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            rhn-support-ychopada Yashashree Chopada
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