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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-5172

Lack of info to tell the messageID and the messageId relationship in audit log


      I want to track the message flow in the audit log, but the messageID cannot being tracked. 

      //here messageID=0, in fact it should be 3699. Pls provide the correct messageID if possible.  I know here maybe cannot get the messageID, then pls have an additional log to mention the relationship of the messageID and messageId=ID:6a47753c-3cc1-4356-9dc6-dfc1a85a2b18:1:1:1-1 afterwards. 


      2021-06-28 08:20:26,145 [AUDIT](Thread-8 (ActiveMQ-server-org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.impl.ActiveMQServerImpl$6@6a84a97d)) AMQ601500: User null@unknown is sending a message AMQPStandardMessage( [durable=true, messageID=0, address=TestKit10.00001.sit1.posttrade.csp.amqp.trx.request, size=1199, applicationProperties={}, properties=Properties{messageId=ID:6a47753c-3cc1-4356-9dc6-dfc1a85a2b18:1:1:1-1, userId=null, to='TestKit10.00001.sit1.posttrade.csp.amqp.trx.request', subject='null', replyTo='null', correlationId=null, contentType=null, contentEncoding=null, absoluteExpiryTime=null, creationTime=Mon Jun 28 08:20:26 AEST 2021, groupId='null', groupSequence=null, replyToGroupId='null'}, extraProperties = null], with Context: RoutingContextImpl(Address=null, routingType=null, PreviousAddress=null previousRoute:null, reusable=null, version=0) ..................................................

      artemis.log: (ID 3699 is linked to above only by timestamp, since ID and messageId are quite different)

      2021-06-28 08:20:26,151 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.plugin.impl] AMQ841010: routed message with ID: 3699, result: OK 2021-06-28 08:20:26,153 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.plugin.impl] AMQ841009: sent message with ID: 3699, session name: df44f80c-d795-11eb-90f5-005056a0bb53, session connectionID: a29ac01c, result: OK


            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            rhn-support-xiwu Xiaohui Wu
            Roman Vais Roman Vais
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