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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-4619

SSLSupport Does Not Work With PKCS11


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    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
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      This fix changes the meaning of the `keyStoreProvider` and `trustStoreProvider` connector/acceptor URL parameters. They no longer define the "type" of store (e.g. JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, etc.). They now define the actual provider (e.g. SunJCE, SUN, SunJSSE, etc.). The *new* `keyStoreType` and `trustStoreType` parameters define the type of store. This change **will break** any existing client that is setting either `keyStoreProvider` or `trustStoreProvider` upon upgrade. Client URLs should be updated to use `keyStoreType` and `trustStoreType` instead of `keyStoreProvider` or `trustStoreProvider` respectively.
      This fix changes the meaning of the `keyStoreProvider` and `trustStoreProvider` connector/acceptor URL parameters. They no longer define the "type" of store (e.g. JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12, etc.). They now define the actual provider (e.g. SunJCE, SUN, SunJSSE, etc.). The *new* `keyStoreType` and `trustStoreType` parameters define the type of store. This change **will break** any existing client that is setting either `keyStoreProvider` or `trustStoreProvider` upon upgrade. Client URLs should be updated to use `keyStoreType` and `trustStoreType` instead of `keyStoreProvider` or `trustStoreProvider` respectively.
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      I was able to reproduce this with the embedded (JBoss EAP) broker by following the instructions at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.3/html/how_to_configure_server_security/securing_the_server_and_its_interfaces#configure_ssl_fips_nss_database to create an nss db to use as a PKCS11 provder (no hard token / reader needed), then configuring my server as shown in the attachments (standalone-full.xml, standalone.conf, java.security, nss_pkcs11_fips.cfg). I did deviate a bit from the instruction as I had certs and ca certs already that I imported into nssdb via pk12util.

      I was able to reproduce this with the embedded (JBoss EAP) broker by following the instructions at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.3/html/how_to_configure_server_security/securing_the_server_and_its_interfaces#configure_ssl_fips_nss_database to create an nss db to use as a PKCS11 provder (no hard token / reader needed), then configuring my server as shown in the attachments (standalone-full.xml, standalone.conf, java.security, nss_pkcs11_fips.cfg). I did deviate a bit from the instruction as I had certs and ca certs already that I imported into nssdb via pk12util.

      The SSLSupport class expects the keyStore / trustStore path to be null when configuring PKCS11; however the java standard is to use a path of "NONE". This results in URL conversion and other errors when attempting to configure a PKCS11 SSL provider.

        1. reproducer.zip
          19 kB
        2. ENTMQ-4619.diff
          84 kB
        3. java.security
          40 kB
        4. nss_pkcs11_fips.cfg
          0.1 kB
        5. PKCS11-broker.tar.gz
          9 kB
        6. PKCS12-broker.tar.gz
          9 kB
        7. standalone-full.xml
          34 kB
        8. standalone.conf
          3 kB
        9. EAP-7.4-standalone-full.xml
          34 kB

            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            rhn-support-dhawkins Duane Hawkins
            Mikhail Krutov Mikhail Krutov
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
