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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-4574

LVQ non destructive: unable to consume message


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      Replace, [BROKER INSTALLATION]/examples/features/standard/last-value-queue/src/main/java/org/apache/activemq/artemis/jms/example/LastValueQueueExample.java with LastValueQueueExample.java

      Create a broker with the following address:


            <address name="testlvq-nondestructive">
                <queue name="testlvq-nondestructive" last-value="true" non-destructive="true">


      1. Start the broker
      2. Run the sample project last-value-queue with
        mvn -PnoServer -DNO_PROD -DQUEUE_NAME=testlvq-nondestructive verify
      3. Run in another terminal, the same sample project with
        mvn -PnoServer -DNO_CONS -DQUEUE_NAME=testlvq-nondestructive verify

      The second produces the message but the first will never receive it.

      Stop the broker and retry all 3 steps before again and all will work fine.

      If the queue is purged the issue occurs again.






      Replace, [BROKER INSTALLATION] /examples/features/standard/last-value-queue/src/main/java/org/apache/activemq/artemis/jms/example/LastValueQueueExample.java with LastValueQueueExample.java Create a broker with the following address:   <address name= "testlvq-nondestructive" > <anycast> <queue name= "testlvq-nondestructive" last-value= " true " non-destructive= " true " > <durable> true </durable> </queue> </anycast> </address>   Start the broker Run the sample project last-value-queue with mvn -PnoServer -DNO_PROD -DQUEUE_NAME=testlvq-nondestructive verify Run in another terminal, the same sample project with mvn -PnoServer -DNO_CONS -DQUEUE_NAME=testlvq-nondestructive verify The second produces the message but the first will never receive it. Stop the broker and retry all 3 steps before again and all will work fine. If the queue is purged the issue occurs again.          

      It seems that if a consumer is connected to an empty LVQ nondestructive it's no more able to consume next messages produced.

            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            rhn-support-agagliar Antonio Gagliardi
            Roman Vais Roman Vais
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
