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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-4059

AMQ 7 SSL Broker ( Operator based ) doesn't create address on web console


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • AMQ 7.7.0.GA
    • container image
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      AMQ Broker with SSL installation that fails:

      • Install the AMQ 7.7 operator on a OCP cluster.
      • Unzip the reproducer.zip file.
      • Execute the script deploy-broker.sh
      • Login the AMQ console and notice that there's no address:queue created.

      AMQ Broker without SSL that works:

      • Install the AMQ 7.7 operator on a OCP cluster.
      • Unzip the reproducer.zip file.
      • Execute the script deploy-broker-no-ssl.sh
      • Login the AMQ console and notice that the address:queue (test-queue) was created.
      AMQ Broker with SSL installation that fails: Install the AMQ 7.7 operator on a OCP cluster. Unzip the reproducer.zip file. Execute the script deploy-broker.sh Login the AMQ console and notice that there's no address:queue created. AMQ Broker without SSL that works: Install the AMQ 7.7 operator on a OCP cluster. Unzip the reproducer.zip file. Execute the script deploy-broker-no-ssl.sh Login the AMQ console and notice that the address:queue (test-queue) was created.

      Installing an ActiveMQArtemisAddress CR on AMQ Broker with SSL created using Operators doesn't create a queue in web console.  A broker without SSL enabled is working as expected. 

      • OCP 4.5
      • AMQ Broker 7.7 (Operator based)


      In the step to reproduce session has how to reproduce. 

            gaohoward Howard Gao
            Asouza@redhat.com Angelo Souza
            Mikhail Krutov Mikhail Krutov
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