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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-3723

Porting ENTMQBR-3137 to LTS


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Future GA
    • AMQ 7.4.3.GA
    • operator
    • None
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      In prior releases, if you used a Custom Resource (CR) instance to create addresses in an Operator-based broker deployment, and then scaled up the size of that deployment, the Operator did not automatically deploy existing addresses to the new broker instances. Instead, you needed to delete the address CR, before redeploying the CR for the scaled-up broker deployment. This issue is now resolved. When you scale up the size of a broker deployment, the Operator automatically deploys existing addresses to the new broker instances.
      In prior releases, if you used a Custom Resource (CR) instance to create addresses in an Operator-based broker deployment, and then scaled up the size of that deployment, the Operator did not automatically deploy existing addresses to the new broker instances. Instead, you needed to delete the address CR, before redeploying the CR for the scaled-up broker deployment. This issue is now resolved. When you scale up the size of a broker deployment, the Operator automatically deploys existing addresses to the new broker instances.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue

      Actually, when we need to scale-up an Openshift AMQ cluster (deployed using Operators) the new broker doesn't have any configuration of the already running brokers [related to addresses]. For example, we need to manually redeploy the addresses so the new broker can start to receive messages. The process is to remove the addresses from the cluster and them recreate them .

      There're some drawbacks of this approach:
      1. We can't really automatically scale-up the AMQ cluster.
      2. The scale-up process should be simple in Openshift, which isn't.
      3. ENTMQBR-3383

      I think it's a good idea to re-think and improve the scale up process in this subject.

            gaohoward Howard Gao
            gaohoward Howard Gao
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