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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-2819

Document 7.5 Operator: Remove reference to scaledown CRD


      Remove references to scaledown CRD.

      In 7.4:

      To enable message migration for v1alpha1 CRDs requires deploying a custom resource instance of the scaledown CRD with localOnly true. Nothing else is supported. This causes the now independent scaledown controller to be instantiated and run.

      In 7.5:

      Set the messageMigration to true in the main broker CRD. This instantiates a custom resource instance of the scaledown CRD with localOnly true. Users no longer need to explicitly deploy a scaledown CR. We need to remove explicit mentions of this CRD and the examples.

            jbyrne@redhat.com John Byrne
            jbyrne@redhat.com John Byrne
            Roman Vais Roman Vais
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