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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-1868

AMQ 7 BrokerPlugin is not notified when a message is flowing from one broker to another


      The BrokerPlugin is not notified when a message is flowing from one broker to another in a clustered scenario.

      Broker A:

      • Broker A Broker Plugin

      Broker B:

      • Broker B Broker Plugin

      Consumer in Broker B and producer in Broker A.

      When I send a message to Broker A:
      Broker A before/afterSend - IS INVOKED
      Broker A before/afterDeliver - IS NOT INVOKED
      Broker B before/afterSend - IS INVOKED
      Broker B before/afterDeliver - IS INVOKED

      It looks like the before/afterDeliver is not invoked for bridges.

      We would like that a notification is sent to the before/afterDeliver or a new method in the in BrokerPlugin interface when the message is flowing from one broker to another.

      We founded the same issue using OUT interceptors and logged a enhancement too: ENTMQBR-1846

            rh-ee-ataylor Andy Taylor
            Asouza@redhat.com Angelo Souza
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
