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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-8646

f-m-p does not create routes with -Dfabric8.deploy.createExternalUrls=true in quickstarts anymore


    • % %
    • FIS 2.0 Sprint 9

      With 3.1.80.fuse-000010, trying to deploy the karaf2-cxf-rest archetype with -Dfabric8.deploy.createExternalUrls=true doesn't generate openshift route anymore.

      Note the following in the logs:

      Not generating route for service karaf2-cxf-rest type is not LoadBalancer: null

      Which makes sense, since the services are now ClusterIP by default.

      However, there still needs to be a mechanism to say for which services there should be openshift routes created and these REST and CXF archetypes need to expose these services.

      Possible options:

      • some annotation or label on services (e.g. same as exposecontroller, but immediately created by f-m-p during apply if fabric8.deploy.createExternalUrls=true )
      • explicit route yaml files in src/main/fabric8
      • ... ?

      (An obvious option would be to configure these specific to-be-exposed services to be of the LoadBalancer type, however I would like to avoid that for the sake of future proofing in case any future openshift version actually starts doing something with those... as "LoadBalancer" means asking the cloud provider, here f-m-p would attempt to be the cloud provider, which it is not... )

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            maschmid@redhat.com Marek Schmidt
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