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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-6569

[insight-metrics] MapperParsingException[failed to parse]; nested: JsonParseException[Unexpected character (',' (code 44))


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      Below steps to reproduce it:

      fabric:create --clean --resolver manualip --global-resolver manualip --manual-ip fabric1.example.com --force --wait-for-provisioning
      container-create-child root amq
      mq-create --config broker.xml --port openwire=61617 --port mqtt=1883 --port amqp=5672 --port stomp=31613 --port ws=31614 --assign-container amq amq_profile
      container-add-profile root insight-elasticsearch.datastore insight-console
      wait-for-provisioning -v
      container-add-profile amq amq_profile insight-elasticsearch.node insight-elasticsearch.datastore insight-logs.elasticsearch insight-metrics.elasticsearch insight-console
      wait-for-provisioning -v
      ## Enable TRACE Level for Elasticsearch
      profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.logging/log4j.logger.io.fabric8.insight.elasticsearch=TRACE karaf
      profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.logging/log4j.logger.org.elasticsearch=TRACE karaf
      #### Test sending msg on queue & topics
      activemq:producer --brokerUrl tcp://localhost:61617 --user admin --password admin --destination queue://ABEL --messageCount 5
      activemq:producer --brokerUrl tcp://localhost:61617 --user admin --password admin --destination topic://T_ABEL --messageCount 5
      sonicaaaa , Below steps to reproduce it: fabric:create --clean --resolver manualip --global-resolver manualip --manual-ip fabric1.example.com --force --wait-for-provisioning container-create-child root amq mq-create --config broker.xml --port openwire=61617 --port mqtt=1883 --port amqp=5672 --port stomp=31613 --port ws=31614 --assign-container amq amq_profile container-add-profile root insight-elasticsearch.datastore insight-console wait-for-provisioning -v container-add-profile amq amq_profile insight-elasticsearch.node insight-elasticsearch.datastore insight-logs.elasticsearch insight-metrics.elasticsearch insight-console wait-for-provisioning -v ## Enable TRACE Level for Elasticsearch profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.logging/log4j.logger.io.fabric8.insight.elasticsearch=TRACE karaf profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.logging/log4j.logger.org.elasticsearch=TRACE karaf #### Test sending msg on queue & topics activemq:producer --brokerUrl tcp://localhost:61617 --user admin --password admin --destination queue://ABEL --messageCount 5 activemq:producer --brokerUrl tcp://localhost:61617 --user admin --password admin --destination topic://T_ABEL --messageCount 5

      When we assign insight-metrics.elasticsearch on a container with a Broker profile, we got the following WARN on the log:

      2017-02-07 09:42:25,095 | WARN  | icMetricsStorage | AbstractElasticsearchStorage     | 224 - io.fabric8.insight.insight-elasticsearch-factory - 1.2.0.redhat-630224 | Error executing request: MapperParsingException[failed to parse]; nested: JsonParseException[Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting either valid name character (for unquoted name) or double-quote (for quoted) to start field namen  |  at [Source: [B@1fc61d7; line: 37, column: 23]]; 

      By enabling debug logging to capture the json message that causes the error.

      2017-02-07 09:41:25,249 | DEBUG | 2099][bulk][T#2] | bulk                             | 235 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch - | [Ravage 2099] [insight-2017.02.07][2] failed to execute bulk item (index) index {[insight-2017.02.07][sta-activemq][jmoCpON3SU6pcT7nHIqypQ], source[
      "host": "amq", 	
      "@timestamp": "2017-02-07T09:41:25.188+01" 	, 	   	  
      "esbbroker": {  	    
      "TotalDequeueCount": "0",  	    
      "TotalMessageCount": "14",  	    
      "TempPercentUsage": "0",  	    
      "JobSchedulerStorePercentUsage": "0",  	    
      "MemoryPercentUsage": "0",  	    
      "TotalEnqueueCount": "66",  	    
      "TotalConsumerCount": "0",  	    
      "StorePercentUsage": "0",  	    
      "TotalProducerCount": "0",  	    
      "queues": {  		             		             	                 	                               
      "monetique_cro_dev002_queue": {              
      "QueueSize": "14" ,              
      "DispatchCount": "0" ,              
      "EnqueueCount": "13" ,              
      "MaxEnqueueTime": "0" ,              
      "ConsumerCount": "0" ,              
      "InFlightCount": "0" ,              
      "DequeueCount": "0" ,              
      "ProducerCount": "0" ,              
      "AverageEnqueueTime": "0.0" ,              
      "MinEnqueueTime": "0"            
      "topics": {          			 		                                  

            pantinor@redhat.com Paolo Antinori
            rhn-support-aboucham Abel Bouchama
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
