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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-6333

RHEL 7 systemctl script stop command return status=1/FAILURE


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • jboss-fuse-6.2.1
    • Fuse Distribution
    • None
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      1. Use the script provided in ENTESB-4833
      2. systemctl start fuse-root
      3. Connect to karaf console using ./bin/client script
      4. Execute shutdown command.
      5. Wait for few seconds container will be restared.

      1. Use the script provided in ENTESB-4833 2. systemctl start fuse-root 3. Connect to karaf console using ./bin/client script 4. Execute shutdown command. 5. Wait for few seconds container will be restared.

      Referring to the scripts provided in ENTESB-4833.

      When we start the container using systemctl and stop it using karaf command the container automatically restarts after 15 sec.

      Stop scrit returns status=1/FAILURE, due to which conatiner restarts.

      fuse-root.service - Fuse 6.2.1
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/fuse-root.service; enabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-11-30 17:15:18 IST; 34min ago
        Process: 9069 ExecStop=/home/Software/Fuse/jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084/bin/fuse stop (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
       Main PID: 9217 (java)
         CGroup: /system.slice/fuse-root.service
                 └─9217 /home/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java -server -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnsyncloadClass -XX:PermSize=128...
      Nov 30 17:15:18 user systemd[1]: Starting Fuse 6.2.1...
      Nov 30 17:15:18 user systemd[1]: Started Fuse 6.2.1.
      Nov 30 17:15:18 user fuse[9217]: Please wait while JBoss Fuse is loading...

            lburgazz@redhat.com Luca Burgazzoli
            rhn-support-shsingh Shailendra Singh
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
