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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5119

Problem with authentication when creating fabric



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • None
    • jboss-fuse-6.3
    • Fabric8 v1, Security
    • None
    • % %
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      1. unzip Fuse (don't add new user etc/users.properties)
      2. start fuse using bin/fuse
      3. fabric:create
      4. # fabric asks for credentials for new user -> create e.g. admin/admin
      5. container-create-child root testcontainer
      unzip Fuse (don't add new user etc/users.properties) start fuse using bin/fuse fabric:create # fabric asks for credentials for new user -> create e.g. admin/admin container-create-child root testcontainer


      When trying to create fabric with empty etc/users.properties results in special behavior of fabric:create command. It asks for new user that should be created and will be used for managing the fabric. In newest build this feature doesn't work as it should because fabric is created but you cannot create child container or log into hawtio using the credentials of specified user.

          100% [========================================================================]
                _ ____                  ______
               | |  _ \                |  ____|            
               | | |_) | ___  ___ ___  | |__ _   _ ___  ___
           _   | |  _ < / _ \/ __/ __| |  __| | | / __|/ _ \
          | |__| | |_) | (_) \__ \__ \ | |  | |_| \__ \  __/
           \____/|____/ \___/|___/___/ |_|   \__,_|___/\___|
            JBoss Fuse (6.3.0.redhat-026)
          Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
          and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
          Open a browser to http://localhost:8181 to access the management console
          Create a new Fabric via 'fabric:create'
          or join an existing Fabric via 'fabric:join [someUrls]'
          Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse.
          JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:create --wait-for-provisioning
          No user found in etc/users.properties or specified as an option. Please specify one ...
          New user name: admin
          Password for admin:
          Verify password for admin:
          Waiting for container: root
          Waiting for container root to provision.
          JBossFuse:karaf@root>  fabric:profile-edit --feature fabric-zookeeper-commands/0.0.0 default
          Adding feature:fabric-zookeeper-commands/0.0.0 to profile:default version:1.0    
          JBossFuse:karaf@root> zk:get /fabric/authentication/users
          JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-create-child root test
          Jmx Login for root: admin
          Jmx Password for root:
          The following containers have failed:
                  test: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication failed

      Also I am unable to log to Hawtio using the admin/admin credentials that I specified in the fabric:create command.

      Calling fabric:create with new user options works correctly:

      fabric:create --new-user admin --new-user-password admin --new-user-role admin --wait-for-provisioning 




            acosenti Andrea Cosentino
            rjakubco Roman Jakubco (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

