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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5095

fabric8-maven-plugin: unable to configure for more complex wrap url handler syntax.


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      Use supplied testcase fabric8MavenPluginTest.tgz.

      mvn install fabric8:deploy

      Followed by Karaf command:

      container-add-profile root ENTESB-5095

      Then verify Export-Package list of the bundle wrap:mvn:org.apache.poi/ooxml-security/1.0

      Use supplied testcase fabric8MavenPluginTest.tgz. Run mvn install fabric8:deploy Followed by Karaf command: container-add-profile root ENTESB-5095 Then verify Export-Package list of the bundle wrap:mvn:org.apache.poi/ooxml-security/1.0

      The fabric8-maven-plugin can be configured to add additional bundles to the profile created by this Maven plugin, .e.g. I can set properties like


      However I have not found a way how to specify a bundle using wrap url handler while also explicitly configuring the package export list or bundle symbolic name.

      E.g. take this example


      When getting deployed to a profile and then to a container, the deployed bundle won't have the Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version set. The Export-Package list will be exposed but the version of each package is not set.

      Another example is


      When getting deployed to a profile definition and then to a container, the deployed bundle exports all its packages, despite the explicit Export-Package directive.

      When deploying each of these bundles manually using

      osgi:install -s 'wrap:mvn:org.apache.tomcat/juli/6.0.36$Bundle-SymbolicName=juli&amp;Bundle-Version=6.0.36&amp;Export-Package=org.apache.juli;version=6.0.36,org.apache.juli.logging;version=6.0.36'
      osgi:install -s 'wrap:mvn:org.apache.poi/ooxml-security/1.0;$Export-Package=org.etsi.uri.x01903.v14;version=1.0'

      then all configured properties are set correctly on the bundle.

            johnpoth John Poth
            rhn-support-tmielke Torsten Mielke
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