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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-4842

Patching karaf child container (admin:create) leaves the container in inconsistent state


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      (CC) denoting commands issued on child container
      1. unzip fuse
      2. features:install admin
      3. admin:create test; admin:start test
      4. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test
      5. (CC) features:install fabric; features:install patch
      6. (CC) patch:add file://path/to/082.zip
      7. (CC) patch:install patchName
      8. child container is shutdown, start it again with admin:start test
      9. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test (welcome message says 084)
      10. (CC) patch:rollback patchName
      11. child container is shutdown, start it again with admin:start test
      12. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test (welcome message says 084)
      13. (CC) patch:list still says that 082 is installed

      (CC) denoting commands issued on child container 1. unzip fuse 2. features:install admin 3. admin:create test; admin:start test 4. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test 5. (CC) features:install fabric; features:install patch 6. (CC) patch:add file://path/to/082.zip 7. (CC) patch:install patchName 8. child container is shutdown, start it again with admin:start test 9. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test (welcome message says 084) 10. (CC) patch:rollback patchName 11. child container is shutdown, start it again with admin:start test 12. admin:connect -u karaf -p karaf test (welcome message says 084) 13. (CC) patch:list still says that 082 is installed
    • 6.3 Sprint 2 (1-Feb - 26-Feb)

      First of all i'm not sure if this is supported scenario or not.

      I'm trying the patch-mechanism itself with patching 084 back to 082 (because we didn't have any higher version) and it seems to be working without any problem for standard fuse patching.

      When patching karaf child container (created with admin:create) I noticed two problems, both probably caused by the fact that patching process still in progress:

      1. minor problem: when patching 084 back to 082, the patch is applied successfully and container is shut down. I start the container again and the welcome message still says Welcome to fuse 084, but the bundles are correctly in 082 versions.
      Content if the patches/ in instances/<container name>

      ll                                                                                                                                                                    ⌚ 15:40:36
      total 340
      drwxrwxr-x  7 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:39 ./
      drwxrwxr-x 13 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:38 ../
      drwxrwxr-x 12 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:37 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082/
      drwxrwxr-x  3 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:38 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082.backup/
      drwxrwxr-x  3 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:38 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082.datafiles/
      -rw-rw-r--  1 avano avano 268998 led 19 15:37 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082.patch
      -rw-rw-r--  1 avano avano     19 led 19 15:38 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082.patch.pending
      -rw-rw-r--  1 avano avano  43197 led 19 15:38 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082.patch.result
      drwxrwxr-x  3 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:36 .management/
      drwxrwxr-x  2 avano avano   4096 led 19 15:39 tmp/
      The patch.pending file contains ROLLUP_INSTALLATION
      JBossFuse:karaf@test> patch:list
      [name]                           [installed] [description]
      jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-082 true 

      2. When I want to rollback this patch, the rollback is processed probably OK and container is shutted down. When I try to connect back to it, the bundles are correctly back in 084 version, but the patch:list still says the patch is installed and the patch.pending file says ROLLUP_ROLLBACK

      See steps to reproduce.

            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
            avano@redhat.com Andrej Vano
            Andrej Vano Andrej Vano
            0 Vote for this issue
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